Thursday, September 26, 2013

One Month

*Yesterday Anthony was 2 months old! Since I didn't start this blog until after his 1 month, I decided to post it now (better late than never...right?)

Age: 1 Month
Date: 8/25/2013
Weight: 8 lbs 2 oz
Height: 21 ¼ inches
Head Circ.: 34 cm

Eating: He eats 2 oz every two hours

Sleep: He loves to sleep, and can sleep through anything! The more noise the better J I would like to thank the NICU for that!

Likes: Rocking in his chair with Mommy listening to his Baby Einstein music, laying on his tummy, being wrapped in a towel after bath-time, his soothies, story-time and kisses from mommy and daddy!

Dislikes: dirty diapers, being woken up to eat, his arms swaddled, gas!

Milestones: Starting to lift his head up (still pretty wobbly at it), pushes off with legs when laying against your stomach

My happy little man

big yawn!
Sleepy time with his owl friend

We had a little "birthday" celebration for his 1st month :). Yes, we were the crazy parents that had a party for a one month old! I couldn't help it... I was just wanted to celebrate everything he had overcome in his first month of life. He went through a lot, and he deserved cake! (even if he didn't get to eat it.. it was the idea that counted!)

Mommy and Daddy are so in love with this little guy

Mimi and Poppy

Grandpop and Grammy

Present time! This boy is so spoiled by his family 

1 comment:

  1. Hello! My name is Leila and I am from Brazil! I found you blog and I am loving follow your history! Its very similar with all that I am living too! I gave birth on December/13 and my daugher had SD too! Now she is one month old and I am in love with her! Your son is very beautiful too! Congratulations for all!
    I loved your blog!
